Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 157 of 365

1. Baby butter lettuce, nectarine, heirloom tomato, avocado, pine nuts with Champagne dressing

2. Rolling around laughing hysterically with my sweetie

3. The look on his face when I came out of the bedroom

4. Scott washing dishes in my kitchen

5. Sam growing up which means less biting sooner

Grace in Small Things: Part 157 of 365

1. The best meeting I've been to in a long time

2. Feeling to connected to people just like me

3. Laughing at myself

4. Carin's great lead

5. Hearing Scott talk about feeling like he belonged

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 156 of 365

1. Fresh tomato and mozzarella salad

2. Pancakes with Bella

3. A good meeting with lots of token takers

4. Bright sunshine streaming through the windows

5. Quiet

Grace in Small Things: Part 155 of 365

1. My sister's graduation!

2. Him meeting my parents for the first time and being loved

3. Holding hands in the sun

4. Reading to Bella

5. Sharing my bed with a 5 year old bed hog

Grace in Small Things: Part 154 of 365

1. Celebrating two months with the man I love

2. With love letters

3. And amazing stuffed portobello mushrooms made by the man who says he can't cook

4. Laughing our asses off with full spunk

5. Knowing that this is only the beginning

Grace in Small Things: Part 153 of 365

1. A promotion

2. A 15% raise

3. Date night

4. Pizza and salad

5. Nancy

Grace in Small Things: Part 152 of 365

1. Having the girls race to the front door when I arrive

2. Laughing hysterically in the drug store with Christine

3. Having a place to go where someone will hold me when I feel like I am losing my mind

4. Letting go of expectations and allowing things to unfold as they are

5. Being truly connected to another human being

Grace in Small Things: Part 151 of 365

1. Going to see a documentary together

2. Lemon asparagus pasta!

3. Waking up to coffee

4. Sam sticking his tongue in my mouth

5. Having an incredibly patient boyfriend

Grace in Small Things: Part 150 of 365

1. My sponsee poking me to share rather than vice versa

2. The meeting that I was dreading ended up being the best part of my work day

3. Weeds is back!

4. The fact that he went to a meeting

5. Getting the commitment that I wanted and finding out that everyone voted for me!

Grace in Small Things: Part 149 of 365

1. Knowing that a meeting is the cure for my emotional hangover

2. Curled up with Sam reading

3. Sushi for lunch

4. Buying a stack of cards

5. Not breaking up in the park

Grace in Small Things: Part 148 of 365

1. Carrot cake pancakes for brunch with friends

2. Waking up together

3. Afternoon delight

4. Burlesque dancers that have real bodies

5. Not holding in my feelings no matter how ugly they seem

Grace in Small Things: Part 147 of 365

1. Scott's beautiful cheese plate

2. Getting a membership at the local Mom and Pop video store

3. Garlic stuffed olives

4. Curled up in our cozies watching movies

5. Asparagus

Grace in Small Things: Part 146 of 365

1. The memorial service for Dr. George Tiller


3. People gathered for good singing Amazing Grace

4. Sharing the experience with my sister

5. Matt Stephen's words

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 145 of 365

1. Being willing to share all of me - every single part

2. My brother sent me this scene today from our favorite movie as kids and I still loved it.

3. Trusting the process and my sponsor

4. The chocolate cake being as good as I hoped it was

5. Knowing that I am loved beyond measure

Grace in Small Things: Part 144 of 365

1. MY SISTER IS GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE and she is the most gorgeous announcements ever.

2. My boyfriend set up my coffee maker for the morning before he left even though I could do it myself. And I let him.

3. Old Yeller

4. Sam Jones giving Gigantaur the business!

5. Lovely date night even though it was a rough start

Grace in Small Things: Part 143 of 365

1. Coming home to Sam Jones waiting for me at the door

2. Turning over a new leaf

3. Sky rockets in flight

4. Taking cozies to the streets!

5. Being exactly who I am and knowing that's good enough

Grace in Small Things: Part 142 of 365

1. Making it back to my usual Sunday haunt

2. Unexpectedly getting to honor someone

3. Asking for help and getting it

4. Mutual admiration

5. Scott taking care of me