Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 141 of 365

1. Canoodling

2. The fact that the man I love makes me laugh so fucking hard

3. Silly pictures

4. A perfect date night

5. Cozies!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 140 of 365

1. Sticking with Grace in Small Things for 140 days so far

2. Spending the day with Bella and Sofia

3. The fact that Sam is currently sleeping on me all curled up

4. In The Heights

5. My wonderful and amazing boyfriend even when it's hard

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 139 of 365

1. Snuggling with Scott and Sam

2. Freshly mopped floors

3. Hiking to the quarry

4. Making him laugh

5. The Brothers Bloom

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 138 of 365

1. Giving Sam his first bath and hearing him purr for the first time

2. Pampering my sweetie

3. Twelve hours of sleep

4. Enjoying my staycation

5. An hour of cardio while bonding with the guy on the elliptical next to me

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 137 of 365

1. Making brunch while he reads nerdy websites

2. Snuggling until the middle of the afternoon

3. Me: I can't wait for you to meet Sam!
Sofia: I don't want anyone to eat him! I love him!

4. A good meeting

5. Grocery shopping with Christine

Monday, May 25, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 136 of 365

1. Dunking each other in the pool

2. Brunch in bed

3. Cuddling while watching Bill Maher like the nerds we are

4. Playing Taboo with Kevin and Jason

5. Driving down the 5 holding hands

Grace in Small Things: Part 135 of 365

1. Roller Coasters

2. Scott sending funny text messages to Philly

3. Descending into hysterical laughter

4. Flying around on the swings even though I was afraid I was going to fall out

5. Cucuzzi Time!

Grace in Small Things: Part 134 of 365

1. The Magic Kingdom

2. Taking a billion pictures of us

3. People watching

4. Space Mountain three times

5. Fancy hotel rooms with cozy king size beds

Grace in Small Things: Part 133 of 365

1. Working late with loud music blaring

2. Cooking for our trip

3. Scott making our fruit salad

4. Sleeping with Sam

5. An appointment with one of my favorite client's mom

Grace in Small Things: Part 132 of 365

1. Watching the American Idol finale with my sister and my boyfriend

2. Finishing his mix cd

3. Leading a meeting

4. Dinner with Rick

5. A good day at work

Grace in Small Things: Part 131 of 365

1. Pei Wei with Katherine

2. Making Scott's cd cover

3. Helping people get their needs met

4. Telling my brother exactly how I feel

5. My upcoming vacation

Grace in Small Things: Part 130 of 365

1. Being able to go back to my meeting

2. Booty call!

3. An unexpected visit with Sofia

4. Calling on my favorite people to share

5. Feeling connected even when we're not together

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 129 of 365

1. A long hike on a gorgeous day

2. Coming home to Sam Jones waiting at the door for me

3. Hilarious phone calls

4. Cuddling Bella while drinking my coffee

5. Him loving me - and me loving him right back

Grace in Small Things: Part 129 of 365

1. Sam Jones Kitten Extraordinaire!

2. Easter egg hunts with Bella and Sofia

3. Naps cuddled up on sunny afternoons

4. Amazing sex

5. Having a partner to do things with

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 128 of 365

1. It is written. Still as wonderful for the third time.

2. Walking out of the bathroom and seeing that look on his face

3. First sleepover

4. Not running

5. Falling asleep in his arms

Friday, May 15, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 127 of 365

1. Morning after emails

2. Date night

3. 007

4. Philly knowing just how to make me feel better

5. Jim and Pam are having a baby!

Grace in Small Things: Part 126 of 365

1. Crying in his arms

2. Being willing to be vulnerable

3. Jason asking me challenging questions

4. Dinner with my wonderful man and my good friends

5. Text messages that remind me that everything is going to be okay

Grace in Small Things: Part 125 of 365

1. Cooking lessons

2. Clothes off in five minutes

3. Holding hands watching Mr. Laswell

4. "Break his heart and I will kill you"

5. Getting to be someone's hero at work

Grace in Small Things: Part 124 of 365

1. Finishing my first year of graduate school

2. Surrendering to the exhaustion

3. Talking to him just before I fall asleep

4. My school friends

5. The possibility of something really wonderful happening

Monday, May 11, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 123 of 365

1. An incredibly patient man

2. Playing Sequence with friends

3. Kris laughing so hard at his own joke that he cried

4. Buying him a present for no particularly reason

5. Planning a future

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 122 of 365

1. That amazing man bringing me coffee in bed

2. Taking a nap curled up in his arms

3. Watching him read the book I gave him on my couch

4. Telling my girlfriends all about him

5. Going forward in spite of fear

Friday, May 8, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 121 of 365

1. My productive visit with the hot and very kind allergy doctor

2. A good work out that reminded me how much I love working out

3. Being a part of a community

4. Pulling off a perfect surprise date that Scott loved!

5. My wonderful boyfriend bringing me flowers just because

Grace in Small Things: Part 120 of 365

1. Date night

2. Philly singing and dancing (though I wonder why it is almost always in the kitchen?!)

3. The guy on the bike who gave me a smile and thumbs-up while I was jogging down the street

4. Being told: "You are in my head in a way that no woman has been for a long time."

5. Rewinding Andy Bernard to watch him again and again

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 119 of 365

1. Waking up with his smell on my skin

2. Discovering new music

3. Relief from the hives

4. Planning a fun date for Friday

5. Exchanging texts with Mum

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 118 of 365

1. Taking the day off work to take care of myself

2. Long oatmeal baths while talking to my twin friend

3. Catching up with Dawn

4. A perfect evening with Scott

5. My hot man in a tie

Grace in Small Things: Part 119 of 365

1. Sweet emails

2. Pep talk from Jason

3. Last conversation of the day being with Scott

4. Getting a 98 on my final

5. Knowing that it's okay to ask for help

Grace in Small Things: Part 118 of 365

1. The perfect night with Scott

2. Really honest communication

3. That moment in the dining room

4. My really fucking good salad

5. Kissing

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 117 of 365

1. Taking the entire day off

2. Canceling plans to take care of myself and having Scott understand

3. A really good meeting which reminded me of how grateful I am to be an alcoholic

4. Snuggling with Sofia

5. A cross country counseling session with my twin friend

Grace in Small Things: Part 116 of 365

1. Date night

2. A day so busy that time flies by

3. Great television writing

4. Oreo and more oreos

5. Brief relief from the hives

Grace in Small Things: Part 116 of 365

1. Connor hugging me to say "I love you, Lisa" for the first time

2. Being invited a family dinner

3. Lunch time coffee with Jason

4. Sweet emails from Scott

5. Being understood

Grace in Small Things: Part 115 of 365

1. He took notes for my foot rub!

2. Aforementioned foot rub

3. Walking down the street holding hands

4. Being adored despite being covered in hives

5. Allowing someone to adore me

Grace in Small Things: Part 114 of 365

1. Only three weeks left of the semester!

2. Finally giving a voice to feelings long felt

3. My twin friend lovingly but in no uncertain terms telling me exactly what I needed to hear

4. Sobbing all day long with no shame

5. Accepting the hard truth