Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 30 of 365

1. Merry-go-round rides with sweet little girls

2. The Kilauea Veggie Burger at Islands

3. The anticipation before a date with someone I really like

4. Laughing hysterically naked in bed with a handsome man

5. New music

Friday, January 30, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 29 of 365

1. The TLC Special: I Didn't Know That I Was Pregnant

2. Bronx Pizza

3. Talking with Bella and Sofia on the phone

4. Being in the company of my sister

5. Finding peace in silence

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 28 of 365

1. Starting off my day at the gym

2. Funny text messages

3. An evening with no plans

4. Blueberry green tea

5. American Idol

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 27 of 365

1. Setting a very clear boundary with my mother and letting go of how she received it

2. Cooking a healthy dinner for myself

3. Being the sane one in the relationship

4. Making connections with a client after trying for a year

5. Feeling a part of

Monday, January 26, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 26 of 365

1. Having someone I admire disclose their own anxiety

2. Big hugs from all my school friends on the first day of class

3. The ability to go to graduate school

4. A magazine with Barry on the cover in my mailbox at the end of a long day

5. Getting warm and cozy in sweats and a heated mattress pad

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 25 of 365

1. Letting myself cry

2. Solid love and advice from my Mum

3. Gorgeous strawberries and blackberries

4. Running errands with a good friend sharing the crazy

5. Getting $400 worth of textbooks for $165

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 24 of 365

1. This video

2. Waking up in bed with someone I am quite fond of

3. Having Christine take my pulse

4. Recovering on the couch watching tv

5. Letting myself off the hook

Grace in Small Things: Part 23 of 365

1. Curled up in someone else's body, limbs intertwined

2. Foot massages

3. Walking through fear

4. Finally having answers after nineteen years

5. Holding hands inside his pocket

Friday, January 23, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 22 of 365

1. An episode of Grey's so good it made me cry

2. Voice mails that make me laugh out loud

3. Working alone in the office with Missy Higgins blaring

4. Date night with Philly

5. Planning my DC trip

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 21 of 365

1. Breathing through anxiety

2. Laughing really hard with a good friend on my couch

3. Funny e-mails that distract me from hard stuff even just for a few minutes

4. Meeting with great families

5. My boss using Barry to cheer me up

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 20 of 365

1. Congratulations, Mr. President

2. Crying tears of joy

3. Having the teenager I almost hit with my car graciously tell me more than once that it's okay.

4. Reading the exact right thing in my morning meditation. There are no accidents.

5. Faith beyond measure

Monday, January 19, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 19 of 365

1. Tim calling me at exactly the right moment today

2. Being greeted with a huge smile and called sweet names as I walked into the coffee shop

3. Cashews

4. Having someone get me

5. Telling my truth

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 18 of 365

1. This song

2. Feelings - even the hard ones

3. My brother grilling me about the man that I am dating

4. Not smoking even though I really wanted to

5. Two days until my boyfriend becomes POTUS

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 17 of 365

1. Waking up with his hand on the small of my back

2. Staying in bed until three in the afternoon

3. Discovering new music

4. An unexpected phone call from a friend

5. Watching trashy tv with a best friend on a Saturday night

Friday, January 16, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 16 of 365

1. Taking care of myself by resting

2. Meandering around Target

3. Baking cookies

4. Sleepovers

5. Santa ana winds

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 15 of 365

1. Good medical care from caring doctors and nurses

2. PB&J for dinner

3. Going to bed at 8 p.m.

4. Sweet text messages

5. Laughing out loud at old episodes of Friends

Grace in Small Things: Part 14 of 365

1. Sore and swollen lips from making out until two in the morning

2. Literally crying on the shoulder of my best friend in a parking lot

3. Having a boss who responds to me with love and genuine concern

4. Leftover kung pao tofu and broccoli

5. Nerdy men who take gorgeous pictures

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 13 of 365

1. Walking into my office at work to find it decorated with balloons and streamers

2. Inside jokes in office birthday cards

3. First dates that end in three hour conversations in a parked car

4. Getting a perfect haircut

5. Possibility

Grace in Small Things: Part 12 of 365

1. Turning 33 with no anxiety

2. Having the sweetest 5 year old ever climb into bed with me in the morning

3. Getting a massage

4. Spending my birthday with two of my closest friends laying in hot water

5. Hearing about someone's bravery

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 11 of 365

1. The Big Book

2. A sleepover with the best two little girls on the planet

3. Delicious smelling body wash

4. Sunny days in January

5. Early birthday celebrations

Grace in Small Things: Part 10 of 365

1. The West Wing

2. Philly making a choice based on knowing that she deserves more

3. Fancy dinners even when they aren't perfect

4. Knowing how to set boundaries

5. A bruise on my wrist

Friday, January 9, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 9 of 365

1. His smell on me after he leaves

2. Closest friends who can and do finish my sentences

3. String cheese

4. Being willing to be vulnerable with the person I am most afraid of letting in

5. Trying new restaurants

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 8 of 365

1. Philly dancing in my kitchen wearing her hot pink fingerless gloves

2. McDreamy dancing it out in the living room

3. Being brave and asking a stranger to have coffee - he said yes.

4. The Christmas lights on the bridge outside of my house

5. Sleeping in as late as I want with no guilt

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 7 of 365

1. Laughing so loud in a restaurant that people look concerned

2. Planning a trip with my cross country twin friend

3. Someone I respect asking me for advice

4. Sports movies

5. “The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you.”
(Fredrick Buechner)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 6 of 365

1. Having my mother tell me, "Your Dad is one in a million and I will love him always."

2. Wet hair in a towel turban

3. Being told, "Lisa, I would kill for your calves!"

4. Easy conversations with good friends

5. Eating bad chinese food with my sponsor

Monday, January 5, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 5 of 365

1. Healthy Choice Fudge Bars

2. Sufjan Stevens' "Jacksonville"

3. Accidentally sitting next to people that I don't like and then not moving

4. Having prayers answered

5. My New Shoes

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 4 of 365

1. Thai food so hot that it makes my nose run

2. Lazy Sundays reading the Big Book aloud with my favorite sponsee

3. Jim and Pam

4. This passive aggressive note

5. My fifteen pound dictionary

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 3 of 365

1. Peanut Butter Frosted Brownies

2. Speaking without words with a best friend from across the room

3. "I wanna take you to sex school!"

4. Standing up for myself

5. A stack of new catalogs in the mail

Friday, January 2, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 2 of 365

1. Overhearing a 3 year old Sofia tell her mother, "Miss Lisa is gorgeous."

2. VH1's 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs

3. Hearing someone share about dealing with immense loss and stay sober through it

4. Blow pops

5. Fresh sheets on a warm bed

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Part 1 of 365

1. This card

2. Stuffed French Toast

3. Sunny days that still require a sweater

4. A clean house

5. Knowing that I am the bigger person